Monday, November 26, 2007


We have gotten so much done this rotation. We got the fountain out, cleaned the bath, gotten wood, cleaned the garage, etc. Found rot under the fountain, I have used a chainsaw and skid steer for the first time. Have to admit the they were both fun to use, but man am I sore. We had to buy oil again. I am so glad that he delivered in the morning cause by afternoon it had gone up four more cents per gallon.


Well another Thanksgiving has come and gone. We had fun and the room to have friends over and not worry about where everything was. We have been having unusually warm weather for this year. It was nice to have a warmer day for the holiday. We will have to enjoy it cause next year we will have to figure out how we will celebrate with Brent gone. I love having friends over and learning new recipes.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Well the furnace is not in yet, but Mark told me to not worry anymore about it. Brent's job when he comes home is to take care of us and get wood. I am so thankful he is coming home today. He has had a rough rotation this time and I am hoping that he can just relax. We are going to do some fun things like ice skating and exploring the woods. Still can't wait for Thanksgiving. I think after listening to the ladies talk last night at craft night that I want to decorate the house in fall colors. They are my favorites and at least that way Brent won't have to worry about a purple bathroom!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Craft Show

I took the kids to a holiday craft show last night in town. It was nice. It was not crowded like they usually are in the lower 48. I was able to browse and keep the kids in sight, as well as talk with people and not feel rushed. I was amazed at the just Alaska themes I kept seeing. Not that this is unusual in the village but I would have thought that in a bigger area that it would have been a broader range.

Friday, November 9, 2007


I can't wait for Thanksgiving! My favorite holiday of the year. So many memories of such wonderful food and so many times to be thankful for everything we have. My mom has always made the greatest meal. Thank goodness my husband is such a help in the kitchen and loves to learn. We are having guests for dinner this year. We finally have the room to invite as many people as we want. I can't wait! I love to cook and try new things constantly. Thankfully my family does too. As long as I don't cook cabbage and kielbasa!


I woke up this morning to a beautiful redish orange glow coming through my window. At first I thought there was a fire next door. Then I got up and looked and it was the most beautiful sunrise. It has been awhile since I have had the time to just look at one and enjoy. I also couldn't figure out why I didn't wake up to a cold house. I looked at the thermometer and it was almost 40. What a nice walk to get the paper and take the dog for a walk.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well, we are down to almost 7 hours of daylight per day. With the sun rising just after 9am and setting around 4pm. It is weird getting up while it is still dark, but I do love winter. The poor dog doesn't understand that it is morning when I let her out in the morning. She thinks she is going to be put back to bed! Trying to get the kids up has been almost impossible!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Alaskan winter

You know it is funny. Every time I talk with someone in the lower 48 they always ask how cold it is. I wonder when this question will get old. The funny thing is is that I am not the only Alaskan to be asked that. People in the lower 48 think that there is always snow on the ground, it is always below zero, we wear skins for clothes, and we travel by dog sled. This may be true for some of the Natives and outlying villages, but where we live it isn't true. We are in an area where we take care of our own though. I love this mentality compared to the lower 48 and even in the Anchorage area. Not to say that I wouldn't love to live like that, but there are some things you can live without!

We have sure learned allot having been in Barrow for two years. You learn what you can live without and how to make friends. Up here you don't always have your extended family around you and the people that you meet become your family because they are in the same place as you. We lived in a small town in the lower 48 for 5 years and could say we really didn't know a single person. We lived in Barrow for 2 years and I have some of the greatest friends I have ever found. Misery loves company as they say!
Our pastor asked me if I liked Barrow and I have to say that, "Yes, I loved Barrow without a doubt." It has it's downsides but I learned so much. There were mountains and valleys to walk through and I had to learn to see myself. Barrow is a place that you meet yourself in. It's not glamorous, it's not exciting, but there was a reason the Lord had us there. It is definitely a place where you either get to know God or you run away. Winter in Alaska is sure a time for that. At least where we are now I can drive somewhere. Thank God for the automobile.

Monday, November 5, 2007


One of the things that is so great about Alaska is that homeschooling is so supported. With so many communities in the bush long distance learning is a normal thing. We got our school room set up thanks to Pastor and are putting the finishing touches on it. It has really done things about my attitude towards this place. With everything happening in this house I could really come to hate it, but this has been a revitalization of good feelings. I hope it lasts! It is so nice to have a place for the kids to do their work and crafts and not have it all over the kitchen table and trying to eat around it.


As we have been trying to install this new furnace we have been running into more and more issues. Between the plenum and miscommunication it is going over budget. Thank the Lord for those that have been helping to get it in. I am so hoping that we can get a wood stove in soon. It would sure help our issues. On the other hand we have learned how to lay pipe and do sweat fittings on copper pipe. I think I may go to plumbing school when the kids are grown.