Well, it is almost the end of May already. Where does time go? Ari is crawling now and has decided to start trying to pull herself up! We have recently got quite a few things done inside the house. We found a new chandelier for the dining room that was a third of the price it had originally been marked at. Replaced the dishwasher with a newer model that we got for free! Brent replaced some of the old fluorescent lights inside the house with newer updated fixtures that use less electric and look nicer. Got a lot cleaned out of the yard.
Wow! Was it a pigsty when we moved in. We found things and are still finding things hidden in weeds and dirt. We are putting in a fire pit, which I am really looking forward too. I want to do some hot dog roasts and marshmallows. I have been busy getting the garden ready to plant and am going to rearrange raspberries. Next year I want to put in a raised garden bed which will help with soil temperature up here. I am hoping that the greenhouse will help this year and next year the garden will be bigger and yield more.
Gas prices have gone above $4 a gallon as of the middle of this month. Since our gas budget is not that big it means we will not be going places very much this summer. That's okay, who says I wanted to drive anywhere anyway!?!&#@*
Brent's parents came up and left a week ago this last Tuesday. We had a great time. I really enjoyed having someone to play cards with. With Brent's rotation and still networking friends haven't had much opportunity. I sure hope they come back, even though when they left the mosquitoes had a powwow and planned for next time!;0
I am really glad that they got to see some of what we do. Although I slept for two days after they left!