Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Year

At church yesterday Pastor Mark preached on the year that we have just been through and while he is not an advocate for new year's resolutions only once a year he posed a question to us that has made me think. "How do you want to grow spiritually in the next year?" He brought up some valid points and hit the mark many times. I look back on this year and am so thankful for the mountain that we started on cause this valley feels like it is going on forever. I am looking forward to growing and learning more this next year. Ya know it is funny. Brent and I have talked about the different ways that we drive now compared to when we were in WA and in our teens. It is not so important to be first or in our own minds beat the other person. I am thankful that we have both learned this and yet there are times when I mourn the loss of the carefree I am going to show them days. But with age comes wisdom and the life to live for another day! Thank the Lord that he has been my co-pilot on every trip. I can sure remember many times when I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Him. What will you do this next year?

Another question I am asking myself is how can I help my children grow in the Lord and in a way that will please Him? I pray that my children will grow to know Him more and more every day and that I can be the best example I can be.

Hair Loss

Okay I am so thankful for heat right now, but I never want to smell the scent of burning hair ever again! Being so short is sure not an advantage with the boiler. Sparks fly and I lose hair! I have since corrected the problem by wearing something on my head every time I check on it.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


I just realized that yesterday was December 28th. Can you believe it Brent and I have been together for eleven years. Yes I said 11! Time sure flies. The places and things we have gone through have only made us more thankful and stronger as a couple. From newly married in a quiet little town in Washington to the wilds of the Arctic, where there is nothing, to a small town in Alaska. Thankfully we have fallen in love with every place the Lord has taken us. I am so blessed with the man that God has put in my life. He is a wonderful father, an amazing husband, and a strong leader. The fact that he is willing to be in a village for two weeks a month just so we are in a safer place speaks so much to his character. Thank you Lord for this man!


My kids are amazing! I was worried about having a third so far apart from the other two but they have all made the adjustment amazingly well. David is currently showing Ari his truck that uncle Derek sent for Christmas. She has such a worried look and yet she is paying very close attention. Ari received a little bear blanket for Christmas that she absolutely loves. The different textures and something to chew on. She is getting her first two bottom teeth. Oh Joy! I forgot what it is like to look into a smiling baby's face when they think that you are the most important person in their world and receive a toothless smile, which won't be for much longer. She gets my worried look, which Dawn says we have to get rid of. Poor thing she is going to have a wrinkle there by the time she is 2! She is now to the point where I can't have her in my lap if I am writing or doing something else that requires no touching. David has now put the truck down and is entertaining her with pictures of superheroes. His favorite thing in the world! I thank God every day for the unconditional love and company of my children. Ania has been working on tons of crafts since Christmas. She is my little artist and loves creating. I am so thankful for her imagination!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Ice Park

This is a pic of the kids standing next to an ice sculpture of Santa's rear coming out the chimney. Brent said that David smacked Santa's rear as he walked by.

Ice Park & LARS

The day before Brent went back to work we went to the Large Animal Research Station (LARS). They were having an open house and we got to walk into the barns and walk up to the muskox and reindeer really close. The kids even got to touch a live muskox. WOW! Their fur is really thick. The poor guy, he was not doing well with having everyone so near his head. The kids learned that you don't look them in the eye because it is considered a threat. They do not like children because they are the same size as their predators, but they do really well with adults. They even had babies that had been born this year. Ari was a trooper. She did so well in the cold. She is our cold weather baby.

After that we went to the Ice Park in North Pole. The city decided to start a Christmas tradition this year. They had people even come from China to compete in the event. It was awesome! The kids had a blast. They got to go down ice slides and crawl through ice tubes. David did not want to leave. Brent actually had fun because the kids did. I am hoping to post some of the pictures.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Appliances and Toilets

Well my dishwasher died and we tried bringing up the one from downstairs to no avail. I am stuck washing dishes for a little while. At least it isn't as bad as it was in Barrow. I have more room to spread them out now.

We found the toilet leaking in our main bath and that was a fun project to fix. We had to take it off and found the floor rotting underneath. A couple of days later we thought we had fixed it but we now have to put shims in to even out the flange. Let me tell you I am going to plumbing and electrical school when the kids grow up! I hate not being able to fix it ourselves and with all the issues it would just be nice to have my own business!


We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas day! We had to get another tree on Christmas Eve as the first one had died. The kids carried it home and loved decorating it. That night we went to the Christmas Eve service at church and Ania got to be in the nativity scene as Mary. David got to be a wise man that was adorable.

Ania got us up in the morning about 10:45am. Yes I know it is late but the kids stayed up late watching movies. Ha! Ha! We had such a relaxing day. It was nice after all the bustle of the last couple of weeks.


We have finally gotten the boiler in. It has been running for about 2 weeks now. I love it! It is so much warmer in the house. We were able to set it at 68 the other day without any problem. We also stayed above 62 at -40 the first week it was put in. Thank God! The vents are now pushing out warm heat and we sealed a bunch of cracks in the house. I am praying that we have enough wood to get us through till Brent gets home this next time. At least the loft is warmer where we have school and I can sew without freezing my fingers off!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Technical Difficulties

Our computer had crashed when we left to have the baby so we have been stuck with a slow one for the kids for school for awhile. Even though we are still on dial up it is nice to be back on our computer. My keyboard, my programs, my games, etc. I am so proud of myself too. With only a little help I replaced the hard drive and installed the OS system. Our screen is bigger and better and I am hoping that I can now play my Star Wars game!


Well, my newborn has found her wonderful and joyous sounding voice. She has kept me up the last couple of nights talking to me. I am so thankful that I don't have to work the following morning but school can be just as much of a challenge with no sleep! I don't take a nap when she does due to the older two. Just can't work it in. They have both gotten so they don't sit still for much anymore with so much room to run and play.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Museum Trip

The kids and I went to the museum open house this last weekend. It was neat. Ania could have stayed forever. They had the labs open for the public. They were skinning a seal in one and they warned us but I said no problem we are from Barrow.


The furnace is finally going to be installed this next week. I can't wait. I have been driving back and forth to town just so I didn't have to order 100 gallons of oil. The Lord is sure watching out for us. I am so hoping that the wood we have will get us through the winter. I can't wait until the house is above 60 degrees. My fingers hurt to type!


Well I finally got the schedule written out for school. Now that it is December! We had such a good week. We didn't follow it completely but at least most of it and I finally feel like I accomplished something. It feels good to look back on the week and be able to say Yes I did something!