Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Have I mentioned before that I absolutely hate being sick! The flu is in full force nationwide and since we don't ever really go anywhere, where on earth could I have got it? At least it was only a 24 hr bug. Thank God for Brent as he handled everything while I moaned in bed.

We have had at least two inches of snow in the last couple of days. It is so beautiful seeing it fall. We sat on the couch the other night after the sun went down and just watched it fall. It was neat listening to the kids talk about it.

We went sledding with friends from church on Saturday. We went on base to the ski lodge they have and enjoyed watching both the kids fly down the hill. The first time David went down we couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying. Ania kept going and tried going off the jump that had just been made. David convinced daddy to go down a couple of times to which Brent replied that his butt is too big for the sled. I went down with Ari one time in the inner tube and not only gave myself a heart attack but Brent too. Ari was quiet the whole way down. Never again! We almost went over the hill at the bottom that is there to stop you.

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