Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where O Where?

Where on earth did fall go? It is now winter here in Alaska. I am mourning the fall colors and weather:( It has been snowing almost constantly and while I sure do enjoy the beauty of the snow I sure was not ready to give up on fall. Especially with the summer we had. I heard yesterday on the radio that Alaska's glaciers will actually show a gain this year, due to the cold summer. It has been the coldest year in 20 years, go figure!
I thank God for His provision. I have been hearing stories from believers about their oil in their tanks. With it having been such a cold summer many of us had to use our oil furnaces. There are many that have either had the same amount in their tank when it was last filled, or there are those that have a few gallons more then previously measured. Talk about miracles still happening! The story of Elijah and the woman with the oil filling her jars is no less true today!


Holli said...

I just found your site and I wanted to say Hi. I agree with you about fall. We are from Washington state, but now live in Texas. Wash. has the most beautiful falls, while Texas it is still in the 80's. I enjoy it here and God has given us a different beauty, but I do miss the fall colors of change.

Lovetts said...

It's still fall in Idaho. Sunny and 70's. Can't complain. ;)

BTW I tagged you. Check out my blog.

Sierra said...

I was disappointed too. I enjoyed one good weekend of autumn before traveling down south where it was still summer. Now that we're back, there is no doubt that it is winter.