Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Almost Crawling

Ari is almost crawling! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

We are trying to figure out a way for her diaper to be pinned to the floor. We are open to suggestions. She doesn't get as frustrated on her tummy as the older two did. I sure wish those first teeth would come in. It has been a long and painful process.


Have I mentioned before that I absolutely hate being sick! The flu is in full force nationwide and since we don't ever really go anywhere, where on earth could I have got it? At least it was only a 24 hr bug. Thank God for Brent as he handled everything while I moaned in bed.

We have had at least two inches of snow in the last couple of days. It is so beautiful seeing it fall. We sat on the couch the other night after the sun went down and just watched it fall. It was neat listening to the kids talk about it.

We went sledding with friends from church on Saturday. We went on base to the ski lodge they have and enjoyed watching both the kids fly down the hill. The first time David went down we couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying. Ania kept going and tried going off the jump that had just been made. David convinced daddy to go down a couple of times to which Brent replied that his butt is too big for the sled. I went down with Ari one time in the inner tube and not only gave myself a heart attack but Brent too. Ari was quiet the whole way down. Never again! We almost went over the hill at the bottom that is there to stop you.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mayhem and McDd's

We went into town today and spent the whole time in town. Ugh! Neither one of us likes going to town much at all so when it is grocery shopping time it is fun. I do enjoy the task of working in a budget and creating fun and healthy meals for us, but I sure don't enjoy the drunks hanging out in front of the store or having to fight your way through the aisles.

So we got that done and because it was so late and the kids hadn't been able to play all day we went to McD's. The dreaded place that is so loud and out of control. Won't be doing that again for a while. The kids are just crabby when we leave and so am I from having to listen to the screaming and banging around. They just put in games on computer type screens for the kids which I am not fond of at all. When I do take the kids there I want them to run around and play on the structures. Because it is so cold during the winter there isn't any way for them to do that outside. I will most likely take them to a different one when we go from now on. Besides I don't like eating out anyway..........

Mom Time

You know there is a time when you just need to have adult time. Tonight was that night. I have craft night at my house right now available to the ladies at church to have a place to work on a project and chat together while the guys are at prayer meeting. Brent stayed home tonight and watched the kids while one of the ladies and I enjoyed hanging out. Didn't realize that I needed that so much. Thank goodness for an understanding husband and a blessing of a big house.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thrilled Beyond Belief

MY DISHWASHER IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Brent and Todd it got into the repair shop and they called a couple of hours later letting us know it was done. The great thing is even though it is ancient they are still being made and we will be able to get replacement parts for it for a long time. After living in the Arctic with no dishwasher and no room to wash dishes I was so thrilled that we had a dishwasher in our new home. When it died I cried. The freedom of not having to stand at the sink and do dishes. What a blessing and it was a relatively cheap fix, thank God!

Monday, February 18, 2008

New Musical Talent

Ania started violin today. You can hear my screams of pain from here I hope. Actually, she did really well today. Better than I could have ever hoped. She is excited and thrilled with the sounds she was making. She found the strings, each one individually and made it sound good. Mark is helping and we are hoping that she will stick with it. So when you think of her please pray for that. She hadn't been to thrilled with the piano and has been bugging me about it for the longest time. Thank goodness that Idea pays for it and we didn't have to. Although the Lord worked it out that we are able to borrow one from a friend at church until we are sure it is something that she will stay with. Mark is helping with body position and enjoying a good chuckle for us and our ears. I think I am going to buy a pair of good ear plugs tomorrow!

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

We have been working on many things on the house these last few days. Today was the basement and getting the new queen size bed ready for guests. I had an extra nightstand and new lamp that I could put downstairs in the guest room. Yes I said guest room! Wow! Never thought that I would say that in my own home. A dream come true. We are having guests in a few days. I am so excited! Haven't seen them in a few months and it will be great to get together and play Settlers and do many other fun things.

We also fixed the toilet downstairs and cleaned the basement from the many projects that have consumed us these last few months. We have still been working on putting things away where they belong and finding places for them without any kind of organizational items. We still have the ceiling fan (thank you mom and dad for the housewarming gift) to put in. Currently trying to figure that one out!@%">!@%*#?! The peak is a pain for a ladder and we are working on borrowing one that is tall enough. And since Brent is afraid of heights (go figure) one that I won't fall off of;)

We got the kids beds in their room and they are currently enjoying their bunkbeds. Yeah! David curled up in his the first night and was so cute. Ania is enjoying her space. I am hoping to decorate their rooms soon. I think Cars or camoflauge for David and Tinkerbell or fairies for Ania. Still thinking on Ari! Lol!

Still ahead of us is the main floor toilet which I don't want to get into but it needs fixing again. Live and learn I guess. I am also trying to be patient as we get the dishwasher taken care of. We got the one back downstairs so I now have room again in the kitchen and am not stubbing my toes on it. The other one is waiting to be taken to the repair shop. We'll see, I had know idea that once I got out of Barrow I would still be washing dishes. Never say never I guess.

I am so not looking forward to summer. So many projects and so little time. Between digging out around the house, permachink, garden, wood, etc. Need I go on?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So Brent shaved his beard for vacation. What a surprise! Doesn't he look good? Ari has been loving it. This is her happy with daddy.
This is one grumpy baby! Wow!
This is her not happy with daddy.

Fun and Cookies

So I made some German Chocolate Cookies the other day...........
Ari sure enjoyed them!
After she was done with the cookie she took one look at daddy and started crying. She looked so darned adorable sitting on the table in her diaper with daddy holding her.

Quilt-Fall Leaves 2

After much ado and long waiting here is the quilt! Brent and I got it hung last night. We are using it to cover the insulating foam over a single pane window in our peak. Granted it is not perfect, in fact I tried getting him to take it back to work with him just because it was such a learning quilt that it pains me to look at it sometimes. While we were hanging it I told him this is so not the way to hang a quilt! It will do for now though. I figure next time I can do it properly. If (or when) it comes down he can take it to work! I must say though that if you don't look to closely it looks good up there.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Night Sky

Was out again last night filling the boiler before bed and looked up. I am so thankful we do not live in town. The stars were so clear and there was just a touch of the Northern Lights on the horizon. It just takes my breath away the way things are laid out and the Lord put thought into. Getting up this morning the sun was shining! It sure is brighter on the snow.


Got up this morning to -10. Literally jumping for joy while feeding the boiler. It is supposed to be above zero by Wednesday. So here is a picture to warm everyone else up.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So I am getting ready for spring. I am tired of the cold now but I know that it is coming. I can't wait for guests to start coming in this spring and summer. It will be fun to show them our piece of Alaska. I am hoping that maybe we can do some canoeing on the river and some fishing. I want to have enough salmon to last for awhile.

New Car Info

Are you in the market for a new car? I know when I start looking for a new car that price is always one of the big sellers. Well, don't ever pay full price again. Let the dealers in your area compete against each other by checking out Car Prices Be prepared when you go to purchase that vehicle by knowing what you want in the vehicle and how much it is going to cost. Including any and all kinds of options. I was able to get two free rate quotes for the vehicle I was looking for at the dealers in my area. There is also information on car loans, car loan refinancing, car insurance, and auto warranties. All it takes is a minute to find out what you qualify for and how much it is going to cost.

Quilt-Fall Leaves

Just an update on the quilt. I am finally putting the binding on and then it will be done. When I have finished it I will post a picture of it. It is not one that I want to look closely at, but it will serve a purpose. With the cold weather we have been having I have been working like a banshee to get it done. David keeps asking if it is another one for him or if it is mine. Cause you see everyone else has a quilt now except Ari (who won't need one for another year) and me.

Pride and Predjudice

Okay so I have been on a Jane Austen kick lately. I can't get enough of her books or the movies that have been made from them. A friend from church lent me her copies on DVD of the BBC versions of her books and I must say that while the English people in them are not the most attractive I certainly enjoy their ability to act. I love Pride and Predjudice with Kiera Knightly and have watched it at least 50 times since we left Barrow. Now that doesn't include the times in Barrow:) I am currently awaiting the movie Becoming Jane, which stars Anne Hathaway, who is one of my favorite actresses. The author Debra White Smith has rewritten her books with a Christian theme in them and set in modern times. The english is a little easier to follow but it is still just as exciting. I love to sit in bed at night when Ari won't sleep and watch them while either wearing her out or working on one of my numerous projects. Wintertime is one of the perfect times to finish those projects that just never seem to get done.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Night Sky

I was out getting the boiler fed for the night at about 10:30pm on Saturday night, when I looked up. Granted there weren't all of the fancy colors that will appear as the night and winter go on, but I so enjoyed seeing the Northern Lights. What an amazing thing to see. It looked like a big green road that went from one end of the sky to the next. Just being able to imagine where it ended and I couldn't help thinking what a great thing it would be to just hop in the car and follow it to the end of the earth. I didn't get to see them much in Barrow so I am loving the fact that I can just walk right out my front door to see them.

I was thinking of all those that have come before me to live in this vast wilderness and the faith and determination they had to have had to continue living here. And yet I know, just like those who came before, that there is no greater place to be. Especially when you are in God's hand!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Eternal Value

The sermon this morning was very good. But let me start at the beginning. We have a Bible study before service that we have been going through 1 Thessalonians chapter by chapter as a group. We talked on chapter 4 and a little of 5 today and were discussing rapture, the Day of the Lord, and praying constantly. It is funny how we can get off on different tangents just fro one little topic. Then Mark preached and he was discussing that if we had an eternal outlook we would live life here on earth so much more differently. So the quote I got out of it today was, "If you looked at things with eternal value you would live each day differently." Something like that that really hit me. I will update it when I get my Bible out of the car. Not only that but my Bible study has been on that same topic. Keeping focused on Him and on eternal results rather than on what people think.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Quilt-Fall Leaves

So I have been working on this one quilt for two and half years now. I am finally in the finishing stages, which I know my husband is jumping for joy for. I have been procrastinating for awhile on it, but it is going to cover the peak window in our house for now for a cheap and quick solution to one pane glass.

I have been trying to figure out how to do free motion quilting on my Viking #1+ without having to order the free motion foot. Well, I took the darning foot from my 64-40 and tried that. Miracle of miracles it worked. Granted it is solid so I can't see through it but that is alright for now still trying to master the free motion thing. My thread kept breaking and even though it was machine quilting thread I went back to my multi purpose sewing thread. Then I kept turning the quilt and then after about a day a some frustration it dawned on me. I don't have to turn the quilt, I just move the fabric the way I want! Wow! Was that easier when I tried that. I felt like those cartoons with the light bulb above the head.

So now I am finishing the quilting, and have to add the binding. Then I can hang it up and look at it all day!


So I woke up this morning late. Couldn't believe what time it was and that Ari had slept through the night. She has done this quite a bit, but the last few nights she has been teething. So I haven't been sleeping much. Plus I stayed up late watching a movie cause she went down late. Still kind of groggy!
Went to kids club last night and got to learn a new card game. Was it fun! I am so looking forward to the cribbage tournament on Valentine's. David squashed his finger in the door and cried about that for awhile last night. Poor little guy he was tired. I am so thankful for Mark, Sandy, and Janine.
I need to get some cleaning and straightening up done, but I just don't have the motivation right now. I am looking forward to the next few weeks cause hopefully I will be able to take time to get things put in their proper place and only have to do a little here and there after that. We have been moving some things around and putting them on new pieces of furniture as they arrive so things are still kind of chaotic. Although I have been looking at the garage and have some ideas of how I want it organized, but this does depend on what Brent says(after all it is his garage;)
So I think I am going to just enjoy my mocha and quilt that quilt!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday my dear husband! I can't wait for the next 50 or so.