Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pleasant Surprises

Life happens! Brent and I were just talking that we had not had any huge surprises in the last few months and we were thrilled with the lack of drama. Well, we spoke too soon! We are expecting our fourth in June sometime of next year. So with that we are looking for a new car since ours right now only seats five. Come on mini-van!
We had an awesome non-Thanksgiving. Brent had to be at work on Thanksgiving so we celebrated the Monday before. What a pleasant day! No pressure and really good food! I hope you all had a wonderful day with friends and family!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where O Where?

Where on earth did fall go? It is now winter here in Alaska. I am mourning the fall colors and weather:( It has been snowing almost constantly and while I sure do enjoy the beauty of the snow I sure was not ready to give up on fall. Especially with the summer we had. I heard yesterday on the radio that Alaska's glaciers will actually show a gain this year, due to the cold summer. It has been the coldest year in 20 years, go figure!
I thank God for His provision. I have been hearing stories from believers about their oil in their tanks. With it having been such a cold summer many of us had to use our oil furnaces. There are many that have either had the same amount in their tank when it was last filled, or there are those that have a few gallons more then previously measured. Talk about miracles still happening! The story of Elijah and the woman with the oil filling her jars is no less true today!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Another Year

We have started another school year. Thankfully I am much more excited about this year. We are starting on time and have a much better outlook and game plan this year. Whether we follow it or not is another story!

Ania's reading is improving even more. Her writing is wonderful. She loves science and is a wiz at math!
David is learning to read and is already reading some words. He also enjoys science and is a wiz at math!
They are both learning spanish and art together with Ari's help. What a different dynamic this year with a one year old running around! They are also both taking Tai Kwon Do and doing splendidly! Sometime in the near future they will both be sparring. I have noticed more confidence in both of them as well as bodily awareness. I am thankful we were able to find a Christian teacher that does not focus on meditation and some of the other things with martial arts. He has been very supportive of leaving your day at the door and parents in general. While he does like to chat the kids have been learning allot and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Hey anything that gets them right to sleep at night is awesome!

A Warriors Life

There has sure been allot going on nationwide lately. I know that it is certainly an unsure world at this time and yet I am so thankful that there is hope! There has been allot going on in Alaska too. Like our governor was nominated for the Vice Presidency, Senator Stevens is on trial for corruption, and the Stryker brigade recently left. With all of these things taking such an in your face roll. I think that the last one has kind of gone from some peoples minds and yet there are those that live with it every day. I have been thinking about this topic quite a bit as we have many in our church family that deal with these types of situation daily.

This is an article that I ran across while doing some research and because I did not write it I want to give the author the credit for it. She has written it with the intent of only one kind of warrior but nailed so many things for any and all warriors. I also want to draw attention to those that people don't often think of as warriors. Those that put their life on the line day in and day out. Those that are ridiculed for maintaining their integrity. Those that are never paid enough. Those that miss out on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. Those that are looked down on even by their fellow Christians. What would our country, cities, churches, and homes be like without those who are willing to run into the situation as others are running away?

At the end of this article she talks about those that have chosen to live their lives with a warrior and showing your pride in that person quietly, from the sidelines. I want to reiterate that. If your calling in life is to love a warrior remember that your support and love is what means the most. Those that choose and are called to be warriors do it because it is what God has called them to do. While your thanks to those is appreciated your respect is more desired. Again they don't do it for the glory they do it for YOU. So you can live your life with not having to deal with the ugly stuff, the things that most people would turn their backs on. They give up so much of their peace of mind to deal with the worst whether they are overseas or here at home. May any and all of you warriors out there know that your are in the right profession, that you are loved, that you are appreciated, and that you are remembered.

Any parents out there who let there children read this this is just a warning that it is PG-13!

by Sara Roberts

A dear friend of mine is getting married. He sent me this pic and wanted me to write something to share at his reception on Warrior Love. I have been in a position to watch many a warrior fall in love, commit and then the relationship shatters. The Warrior left saddened and the lover left angry and frustrated. I have also seen amazing, enduring, passionate marriages, and I asked those lovers, spouses, partners, what it was that separated their love from the ones that eroded. What they shared with me was profound, so at the request of my friend, I share it with you. Loving a Warrior - It's not just a job, it's an adventure. A Navy SEAL once described a mission to me as 5 minutes of bone chilling terror surrounded by five hours of endless boredom. An ESU friend said it is more like 15 minutes of YEEHAW! after untold hours of WTF. Either way, they are living in moments where they are juiced to the extreme borders of their body and mind with periods of brain numbing boredom. This can become problematic, particularly for younger warriors who have not yet made the connection between what is happening to them biochemically and mentally. For all warriors however, there are clear and visible physical responses to high levels of adrenaline and endorphins. Their pupils dilate, their heart rates increase, their blood pressure rises, hearing sharpens, skin becomes more sensitive, saliva flow decreases and they begin to experience piloerection and often genital erection. This response engages every system in the body. It also creates some interesting patterns in the brain. PET scan show that the lower areas of the brain, the medulla and the limbic system light up like Christmas trees, indicating rapid specific response. Following this response there is a stress let down. The body swings in the other direction to find it's way back to a normal or homeostatic state, so all body systems let down often creating heightened sexual desire, bowel and urinary response, intense sleepiness and irritability. Often in that order too.All of this is interesting but what does it have to do with loving a Warrior, you ask? It helps if you can understand that when your Warrior comes home it will not be unusual for them want a very quick sexual encounter, followed by 20 minutes in the bathroom and zombie sleep. Trust me when I tell you, that there is rarely anything romantic in this process. I always likened it to having a puppy. I'm leaving it at that. But do understand this, to a great extent, your Warrior can not alter that response pathway. It is innate and ungovernable. So if you are rejecting of your Warrior when in this state, don't be surprised if they start going to choir practice instead of coming home first. I can see some folks, mainly women, sputtering right now and saying bullshit. Hear me clearly. I am not saying that this time gives any Warrior the right to be abusive in anyway. That is always unacceptable and truthfully, that is not how a Warrior operates. But, if occasional half naked wall sex is on your yeah, I like it list, smile you will be experiencing it. Just understand that Warrior will be unconscious shortly thereafter, so make sure you have a stack of good books. A Warrior is only as strong as his weakest link. Every operator knows this. You are only as strong as the least proficient person in your unit. Long hours of intense training can improve proficiency but nothing can improve someone who doesn't think they need to improve. If you love a Warrior, you must know that there will be phone calls that come in the middle of the night, family functions that will be missed, unanswered questions, and long campaigns with little communication. This is out of the Warrior's control. The warrior isn't happy about it either. But it is the job. So all of your bitching and whining about being alone all the time are not going to improve the situation. If you are committing to a warrior, be prepared to spend many of the important times in your life alone. Learn how to handle that with grace and humor. Now, let me share with you two things. One, I'm a trust but verify girl. If my mate always seems to get calls and I'm not getting calls from any other partners, I investigate. And I mean to tell you, I will call bullshit and search like it's a crime scene. Two, proficiency happens on two levels, physical training and bonding. There are going to be a lot of training exercises, it comes with the turf, deal with it. Know that every BBQ, every gathering will in some way morph into a training session. Personally, I have had a lot of fun with this and it is a great tool when you want to converse with other people. The upshot here, is that you are a link in your Warrior's world, be a strong one. Send your Warrior out to do what has to be done without having to worry about what is going on at home. After the nap you can get them to get back into the home mindset. Understand that you are the chink in your Warrior's Armor. Every Warrior knows that when they make public that they have taken a mate, had a child or where their family is that they have opened up a potential high risk zone. Therefore, the fact that your Warrior has stepped forward and proclaimed love for you is a huge deal. Really think about that and all it implies. An enemy can cause great pain to a Warrior by attacking family and friends. In the past, this has been a highly effective psyops maneuver to break a Warrior's will. What does it really say about how your Warrior feels for you when they do they openly declare their relationship to you even knowing the risk? Honor that. Please understand that if they do not carry pictures of you, or talk about you outside of their peers, it is driven by a desire to protect you and themselves. Think carefully about who you share information with, even in seemingly innocuous situations. Always be diligent, always be aware. I know you are proud of your Warrior, but let it be a quiet pride and one shared with others in the same position. Learn how to field all inquiries politely but without giving information. This is not just protecting your family, it's protecting your warrior too. A Warrior has no respect for a marshmallow. Of the relationships that I have seen survive two factors in mates stood out more than any others. One of humor. All of the long term partners had deep running humor that was often gentle, raunchy, witty, cynical and twisted. The second thing they all had in common was that they were tough. Not necessarily physically, although some were, but emotionally and mentally tough. They all had clear well defined boundaries and they enforced them. As a psych person I will tell you that I truly believe that this provides Warriors with a sense of security and allows them to truly let down when they are at home. I also believe that it provides them with a sense of acceptance and responsibility. Your gentleness and acceptance are a necessary, sweet balm to a troubled soul and often needed. But, it does every one of them good to know that when you say, if you do this, Warrior or not, I am going to kick your ass, you mean it. It is at once comforting and reassuring that though they may battle outside of these walls, inside of them, they are part of another team. Know your ground and hold it. Your Warrior may grouse about it, but it does comfort them to be grounded emotionally. A Warrior often communicates more by what is not said than what is. There are often times when a warrior simply cannot divulge what is going on. If you are a smart person you can usually put it together by watching the news. Or honestly by doing the laundry, but that's another story. Do not ask for confirmation, the warrior can't give it. Don't ask for details, don't ask for locations. Learn to ask questions that will tell you what you really need to know. Do I need to worry? Is this a good time for me to visit family? Should the children and I take a holiday to Jamaica? Learn to use short hand. Write a diary for your Warrior, that they can read to catch up when they get home. A very good friend of mine writes a blog for his Warrior. When she is away she does have internet access and the blog is a private way for them to keep up on what is going on, or maybe just what they wish was going on, ahem. The point is that in the technological world there are often ways to communicate brief messages. SS ILY AOH H&K can bring your warrior tremendous peace of mind and help you feel connected. The above is shorthand that is commonly used in my circle. Stay safe. I love you. All okay here. Hugs and kisses. Learn also that sometimes the silence is telling because there are just no words to describe what was experienced. Often times you may find that you are sought out and your Warrior just wants to be held, to hear your heartbeat and be touched to regain their footing. Give them that. If they choose to talk, listen. Just listen. Remind them that they are loved, they are safe, and that you value their service. Loving a warrior is not an easy task. It takes talent, perseverance, humor, stubbornness, a very solid self esteem and a great ability to entertain yourself. There is unfortunately no boot camp for it. Few self help books. Damn few support resources. So find others who love a warrior. Become the team behind the team. Because when your warrior lays down sword and shield and loves you. Well, there is just no feeling on earth like it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Day in the Life

I was baking cinnamon rolls awhile back and Ari decided to explore the flour bucket. One of the most enjoyable things of watching my kids grow is getting to experience the small everyday things. This was definitely one of them!

So Ari turned one at the end of July.
She got to enjoy a piece of cake with frosting. As I only had time for a quick cake she got a yellow cake for her first piece. She enjoyed crumbling it to pieces!

One of my least favorite chores growing up was crushing cans. It must be evil to enjoy passing that one on!
So one of our many projects to finish this summer was to permachink the house. Well I have it almost finished. Only a couple more seams and the outside is all done. Thank God it is only a one time application. My hands still hurt! I have noticed a big difference in the house though, which has been sure great.
Brent and the kids gave me one of the greatest birthday presents I have had in a very long time. We went to a Roadhouse down the road that I have been longing to get too. While there David decided to take a picture of Dad and Ania. Isn't he adorable? After we were done at the roadhouse we went for a nice long drive. I needed to get away from the house for awhile. I have been so busy and stressing over getting the house things done while Brent has been having to work extended time that he came home like a prince on a white charger and whisked me away. What a wonderful area that we got to see. I am truly amazed by God's work. Rainbow Ridge is amazing. We got to see a moose eating in a pond. Brent got some great pics of that. Too bad he didn't have a tag and rifle with us at that time.
The one thing I asked for was a t-bone dinner. As you can tell the kids truly enjoyed my birthday dinner!
David being a Starcommand soldier.
With all the flooding we had the mosquitoes have bred like rabbits and trying to sleep is awful. I finally bit the bullet and went out and bought mosquito nets to cover the beds. I sure hope guests don't mind the walls in the bathroom until I can get them cleaned, they are covered in blood spatter and look like a crime scene.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Energy Crisis

Okay might as well get on the bandwagon along with everyone else. These energy prices are killing us. I am so frustrated with this. We make every effort to cut our energy usage and just keep getting hit like no tomorrow. We already pay almost $.20 a kilowatt and they want to raise it another 7%. That is not even touching what the villages are at. Having lived in Barrow I know. Plus we in the Interior also heat with oil which is at an all time ridiculous high. Why can't the government knock off the speculation that is driving the prices? And Anchorage, quit complaining about it you have know idea what it is like to choose between heating your home or buying groceries for your family! There are families here that are spending at the very least $5,000-$6,000 this summer to get (hopefully) through the winter. If they don't make it then their sol! Not even to mention that the energy bill is stuck in the House and Senate and already wanting to reduce the amount of money the Palin wants to put into the hands of all Alaskans. Get off your high horse and try to understand what the working families of Alaska need. What we need is help and NOW, not six months from now!

Alaska is unique in the fact that we don't have bus lines everywhere. And who is going to stand at a bus stop at -60? We have done everything we can to cut our gas usage and it can't get cut anymore! Those hybrid cars don't work at our extreme temps and why spend the money on it when it will only work for maybe 4-6 months out of the year? People get a clue!


Well I am currently getting the house ready to Permachink! Yeah, maybe the house will stay warmer at -60 this winter and the fans for the furnace won't have to run so long. Yeah I know wishful thinking. I just got off the phone with the company and they gave me some great news and reduced my workload by a little. I have also been treating log rot in various places. That is close to being done as I had started out doing it wrong, but I fixed that. We were able to dig out around the house this summer, which was good, but with that we found some more issues that are going to be costly. We have to replace up to three logs around the garage. What idiot would build a garage on a two sided cement footer and put the other two right in the dirt! We have talked about options like using railroad ties or cement blocks to raise the logs off the ground. I like the blocks better as it will look nicer but we will see what money brings.

Went out to start cutting some more wood today and almost got Brent's chainsaw started. Oh well, guess I will just have to get a new chain for mine. I cut so much that I wore it down. That's okay I didn't want to cut wood today anyway.

Monday, July 21, 2008


You know it is funny. I look at pictures of friends that I have known for awhile and wonder what they are doing at that moment. How our lives change and life does go on even in those places that you think that life will stand still. I see changes in most but not in all and wonder........

There are points in time when I wish time would just stand still, especially those poignant moments with my kids. And yet I am thankful that I get to be a part of the next stage. We have so many babies in church right now and I look at Ari and how much she has changed in just a year. She is almost walking and this time last year I was sitting at Dawn's just praying she would come and planning how to move. Ania has crossed over into starting camp experiences. David isn't mommas little bud so much anymore. Funny isn't it?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Quiet Life

The world we live in today is constant go go go. Always have some sort of entertainment on including but not limited too tv, music, ipod, phone, internet......I could go on and on. Until we got here I never realized how nice and calming it can be to learn to listen to the quiet, to not have music on, to shut the tv off and just enjoy each other. I have learned so much more about my children and their likes and dislikes. Thank God for the gift of peace and quiet.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Ari has been making the adjustment to solid foods so well. I don't know why we spent so much money on jarred baby food the first couple times! She just eats from our plates and has some definite likes. Isn't this the cutest? We were having cantaloupe one night for dinner and she loved it. Her little lips would just stick out like a cartoons! The sounds she would make were so adorable.

Ania got to go to church camp this year. What an adjustment for
mommy as dad was still at work while she was gone. Ari decided
to help her pack! She got so into it that all Ania's clothes were on the floor and picked through.

This is Ania after camp! The greatest thing was a big hug and an I missed you mommy, but I had such a great time!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Air Show 2008

David in the co pilots seat of a C130.

Ania in the co pilots seat of a C130.

The sight of freedom!

2008 Air Force Thunderbirds

Truly a sight to see! I have to say it was way better than the Blue Angels! You were right there.

My next truck! I am in love!

The kids were playing peekaboo around the corner of the hallway.
Ania loves reading to Ari. Sometimes she even gets to the end of the book before Ari gets bored.
I finally got Ari to keep this headband on for more than a few seconds!
Ania in a blackhawk helicopter!
David in a blackhawk!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thanks Alot Cheryl;)

I have been tagged! Never thought that would happen:)
So here goes:

Five Things to do on my List today
  1. Clean the bathroom
  2. Pick up garbage that Kiska got into
  3. Go through Value Village stuff
  4. Do a load of laundry
  5. Bake some kind of desert

Snacks I Enjoy

  1. Cinnamon rolls
  2. Peanut M&Ms
  3. Watermelon
  4. Blueberry cobbler
  5. Raspberry rhubarb pie
  6. Seattle's Best Coffee Naughty Toddy

Things I would do if I were a Millionaire

  1. Pay off the house
  2. Start a non profit mission to bring long term missionaries to bush Alaska
  3. Buy a diesel F250 quad cab
  4. Buy a ski boat so I could ski and fish
  5. Travel the world especially Spain, Italy, Ireland, and Scotland

Places I have lived

  1. Southern California
  2. Edgewood, Milton, North Bend, Washington
  3. Barrow and Interior Alaska

Bad habits I have

  1. Starting a craft project and letting it sit for years
  2. Going to the craft store and buying more even when I have a gazillion projects already to finish
  3. Not sticking to a schedule
  4. Pushing myself so hard that I don't stop until I collapse
  5. Not asking for help

Jobs I have held

  1. Fast food service
  2. Lifeguard/Swim Instructor
  3. UPS Supervisor
  4. Newspaper delivery
  5. Head Lifeguard
  6. Daycare provider

I now tag; Sierra, Sara, and April

Summer Life

While Brent was available I said that I have to get this done. Of course it took me longer than I thought it would as I lost a safety pin inside somewheres. Ari loves it! It is taking me some getting used to and I wish I would have done it sooner. I can carry her on my front or back and she is close and happy. Best yet it only cost me a couple of bucks instead of the $45 that I have seen them for!

Brent and I decided that it was time for Ania to
start helping even more with food prep. She did great with
this chef's knife!

David loves playing with Kiska. Poor dog! She has been doing great with all three of the kids. She just kind of ignores baby still, but she is getting better!

Ania loves to scratch Kiska's tummy! The feeling is mutual. I thought this was great. She enjoyed it so much that she completely relaxed.

Brent thought this was the cutest thing! She crawled around the house with this in her mouth and a big smile around it!

Ari is still enjoying the feel and texture of whatever she puts in her mouth!

Daddy is trying to teach her how to walk?!? Go figure! After he complains about her being able to get up and move.

She sure loves her daddy!

We went to another open house for the fire department. This time the kids were able to go for a fire engine ride around the block, which was even better than the last time!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

To all the dads out there have a great Father's Day! Thank you for all that you do and give up to provide for your families.

Thankful for so Many Blessings

Aren't these great pictures? Ania is a natural and David just likes seeing his face on the camera. What a great way to see their love.

We have been out of Barrow for almost a year now. I keep thinking of the things I miss from up there, and then I start thinking of the things I really missed from the real world when we lived in the bush. Things like fresh vegetables, crawling in grass, the rain on the roof, and the wind in the leaves. Brent and I were talking the other day about cooking of all things. He always says how spoiled he is that I love to take the time and cook. I have been thinking about that allot lately. I love to try new recipes and taste new things all the time (you should see my recipe collection now and what it was before we left Barrow). We ate allot of pasta and spaghetti in Barrow not that we don't eat it here but we have fresher things to try and enjoy. He laughed cause I won't even bat an eye at spending two hours in the kitchen to make lunch if that is what it takes. I just enjoy the challenge and enjoyment of making people truly experience the food they eat.

So here is a list of things that I am thankful for not only because we are out of the bush but also because the Lord has provided so much.

  • Fresh vegetables

  • Green grass

  • Wind in the leaves

  • Rain on the roof

  • Birds and the lovely sounds they make all night long

  • Mosquitoes

  • Raspberries

  • Wild roses

  • Rivers that are not covered in ice all year

  • A place for the kids to ride their bikes

  • Garage sales with good stuff

  • A house to put it in and be able to decorate the way I want to decorate

  • Screen doors and windows

  • Mountains

  • Kiska

  • My wheelbarrow

  • The chainsaw
  • Really good coffee
Wow! I could go on and on...........
I am so thankful for the little blessings and sure hope that I don't take them for granted again.

The kids and I have been out working in the yard getting quite a few things accomplished. I got the garden planted and most of the front of the house dug out for us to treat the wood. Thankfully we will be able to get most of this done this summer. There isn't much left of it and I want to enjoy it while we can.

Ari learning to stand on her own.

These are some great pics of the kiddos in the yard.

I love these cute little faces she makes.

Ari is experiencing grass for the first time in these.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spring and Time

Well, it is almost the end of May already. Where does time go? Ari is crawling now and has decided to start trying to pull herself up! We have recently got quite a few things done inside the house. We found a new chandelier for the dining room that was a third of the price it had originally been marked at. Replaced the dishwasher with a newer model that we got for free! Brent replaced some of the old fluorescent lights inside the house with newer updated fixtures that use less electric and look nicer. Got a lot cleaned out of the yard.

Wow! Was it a pigsty when we moved in. We found things and are still finding things hidden in weeds and dirt. We are putting in a fire pit, which I am really looking forward too. I want to do some hot dog roasts and marshmallows. I have been busy getting the garden ready to plant and am going to rearrange raspberries. Next year I want to put in a raised garden bed which will help with soil temperature up here. I am hoping that the greenhouse will help this year and next year the garden will be bigger and yield more.

Gas prices have gone above $4 a gallon as of the middle of this month. Since our gas budget is not that big it means we will not be going places very much this summer. That's okay, who says I wanted to drive anywhere anyway!?!&#@*

Brent's parents came up and left a week ago this last Tuesday. We had a great time. I really enjoyed having someone to play cards with. With Brent's rotation and still networking friends haven't had much opportunity. I sure hope they come back, even though when they left the mosquitoes had a powwow and planned for next time!;0

I am really glad that they got to see some of what we do. Although I slept for two days after they left!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spring Fever

So I couldn't take not doing something the other day. I got to cleaning as family is coming in a couple of weeks and I needed something to do....not that I don't already but I needed a distraction. I rearranged the loft. I like it better and will hopefully be able to get through some projects that are just sitting there waiting. I am going to do some garage sailing this summer and hopefully find some organizational things instead of just the totes that we have.

The kids have been suffering too. They have been riding their bikes on the snow and slush as well as through lovely mud puddles and coming in crying because they are stuck. It has been great though to see them running around.

The curriculum fair is this next week and I cannot believe I get to go this year. I didn't think I would be able to for awhile. The great thing is I can get everything ordered early and not have to worry about it......big relief! I have stressed over this the last couple of years and will not have to this year. Although I have been changing my mind a few times about what I really want to do with the kids this yeat. Ahhh, the fickle mind!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Smell of Spring

I walked out my front door yesterday morning and breathed deep! What a wonderful scent. The smell of spring is finally here. You know the one I am talking about, the smell of rain, the trees, etc. Also the sounds of spring are here as well. Water dripping, birds chirping, wondering if that sound in the trees is a moose or bear.

We have a huge puddle in our yard now that breakup is here. We have been seeing some moose and plenty of birds. It is so nice to walk out into 40 degrees in the morning and not having to wear a jacket. Although, I am slipping on the ice that is quickly melting up the driveway to get the paper every morning.

I am quickly starting to get anxious about getting our summer projects getting done. Spring and summer is so fleeting here in Alaska. We have a long list since this is our first summer in our house and we have added one more with our wood boiler by having to cut wood for the coming winter. I did get some done before breakup hit. I went and bought myself a chainsaw and yes it is purple and I can start it. I have been teasing Brent that his wife doesn't go by jewelry or something else that is feminine, I by a chainsaw so I can hear it roar! I have to have it for when he is gone as I cannot start the other one. I moved a cord of wood on Thursday of last week. I had fun cutting! I am still regretting it though as my back is still giving me problems with the size of the logs that I put in the back of the truck. I do so enjoy the work though and getting out in the woods. Splashing through the puddles was the height of enjoyment for the kids.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day

Whoever thought that it would be a great idea to label one day with the ultimate dread?!? Hope you all had an easier time than I did. Hoping that next year I will be able to do it over DSL.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chores and Fun

While we were out being responsible, as Brent likes to call it. Working hard is more like it! We got a few good pictures of being and working together as a family. The kids are getting to the point where they now want to help get wood. It has started to warm up so they are more apt to get out of the car and help.
Ari loved riding in the truck and helping me pull out logs from the piles. Talk about a fun time. There is nothing like pulling out trees with a 4 wheel drive truck that is older than your husband! Although I have to admit I would take the truck over him any day!:) Even though it has a hole in the floor, doesn't have a working radio, and goes through gas like no tomorrow! It sure didn't look like much when we got it, but I am so glad the Lord was in control on this one. I wouldn't touch the thing when we first got it because of all the buttons, but life and circumstances have caused me to change my mind. We have tried and tried to get it stuck, that thing even pulls Todd's grain truck out when it is stuck with a full load of wood in the back. Good 'ol American made!

This is our beautiful Keeska. She enjoyed the farm so much. I think she enjoyed the truck so much more. There is nothing like driving down the open road with your truck and your dog. She has truly become a part of the family.

Baby Goats

The new friends and farm that we visited was an experience. We got to see newborn baby goats. The kids got to touch and feed them. What an adventure! Every time we now drive by they ask if we can stop.
Ari just kind of looked at it and reached out. The goat then started nibbling on her fingers!

Ice Park 2008

So we went to the Ice Park while our guests were here. As you walk into the park there is a enter at your own risk sign which I find ironic. It says you are entering an Ice Park and that it is slippery and you need to be careful. Go figure! I am truly glad that we went early this year even though we didn't get to see the multi block sculptures. The weather warmed up so significantly (40s) that they were having to extend the contest and go to ultimate measures to save the sculptures from thawing.

This walrus greeted us as we walked into the park. He had already lost one of his tusks, but he was still beautiful!

We had to stop at the hardware store and get sleds for the slides before we went into the park. While the kids were in the octopus tunnel we put Ari in the sled and dragged her around. She loved it for awhile, then she started to realize that she wasn't being held. I am so proud of my little Alaskan, she didn't complain about being in the cold and handled it very well.

This was the biggest slide that was sculpted. You are sure taking your life in your hands as you climb these ice covered stairs! We had a blast going down it. The slide end is pretty long compared to the others so it feels like you go on forever.

Brent got such a kick out of this phone booth!

Ari and I watched and played as the kids (Ben and Brent too) went down the slides in the kids park.
On the drive home Ben spotted a fox on the Tanana River. At first we thought it was a wolf, but upon closer inspection and seeing him catch a mouse we came to the conclusion that it was a fox. Good eyes Ben!