Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Ari has been making the adjustment to solid foods so well. I don't know why we spent so much money on jarred baby food the first couple times! She just eats from our plates and has some definite likes. Isn't this the cutest? We were having cantaloupe one night for dinner and she loved it. Her little lips would just stick out like a cartoons! The sounds she would make were so adorable.

Ania got to go to church camp this year. What an adjustment for
mommy as dad was still at work while she was gone. Ari decided
to help her pack! She got so into it that all Ania's clothes were on the floor and picked through.

This is Ania after camp! The greatest thing was a big hug and an I missed you mommy, but I had such a great time!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

The kiddos are getting so big!