Friday, September 3, 2010

Laughter and Heartache

I watched a movie last night and while I enjoyed the movie it made me think. I know, I know TV is just supposed to be an outlet right? When the content makes me think if I would really want my daughters to live a life like this it gets kind of heavy on the heart. I have also just finished reading Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson (which I highly recommend both this one and Bringing Up Boys). We as women crave the desire to be loved for who we are and desire on such a deep level to connect in relationships that we will do almost anything for that feeling of fulfillment. In this movie (The Back-Up Plan) the lead got tired of waiting for Mr. Right to come along and decided to be artificially inseminated. She even admits that this is not the way that she dreamed of the way she would have children. After being inseminated she meets Mr. Right that same day. While in the long run she gets her Prince Charming there is definite heartache along the way. What a huge thing to automatically throw on a guy and yet God does adopt us and welcomes us into His family. While I see that the blatant, I am going to live with you and commit but wait until after the babies are born to even propose marrying you idea is the way our culture and world looks at these types of situations. What a sad situation that there are women in this world that do take their future into their own hands and out of God's (yes, even Christian women). When we as women look to so many other ways and things to achieve that feeling of fulfillment it is not completely satisfying. Yes, even those who are married! Your husband or anything else cannot and will not satisfy that deepest longing. Only a true relationship with the Creator can completely fulfill those deepest cracks and crevices in the heart. I am not talking about the sure I know God, I am talking about the talking with Him and listening to Him and spending time with Him every day relationship. You see when we actually put into our relationship with Him what we put into everything else, everything else becomes secondary and we are fulfilled. Having lived life at break neck speed I can attest that the simple life is most assuredly the easier way to focus on Him and on other relationships. I have to admit it feels good to watch a movie or read a book that ends with the girl gets her Prince Charming and they live happily ever after and yes in the end that will happen, but when that becomes our primary focus as women we lose our focus on what is really important. An everyday real relationship with Him.

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