Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Year

At church yesterday Pastor Mark preached on the year that we have just been through and while he is not an advocate for new year's resolutions only once a year he posed a question to us that has made me think. "How do you want to grow spiritually in the next year?" He brought up some valid points and hit the mark many times. I look back on this year and am so thankful for the mountain that we started on cause this valley feels like it is going on forever. I am looking forward to growing and learning more this next year. Ya know it is funny. Brent and I have talked about the different ways that we drive now compared to when we were in WA and in our teens. It is not so important to be first or in our own minds beat the other person. I am thankful that we have both learned this and yet there are times when I mourn the loss of the carefree I am going to show them days. But with age comes wisdom and the life to live for another day! Thank the Lord that he has been my co-pilot on every trip. I can sure remember many times when I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Him. What will you do this next year?

Another question I am asking myself is how can I help my children grow in the Lord and in a way that will please Him? I pray that my children will grow to know Him more and more every day and that I can be the best example I can be.


Lovetts said...

Wow Shiloh! you are better at updating your blog than I am, and you are 3 times as busy as I am. How did that happen! Your little blogs are so inspiring to me. You have grown and matured a lot since being in AK.

Sierra said...

The new year always brings in thoughts of personal development. It is nice to see that the spiritual aspect of life is not overlooked. I think it is too easy to get caught up in making resolutions for the physical, financial and social parts of life. The spiritual requires quite a bit more thought and a personal relationship with God to determine if it is really the right thing to aim for. I hope your spiritual goals bring you and your family the peace and joy you seek.